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sharded_events table powers our analytics and is the biggest table we have by orders of magnitude.

In this document, we'll be dissecting the state of the table at the time of writing, some potential problems and improvements to it.


CREATE TABLE sharded_events
uuid UUID,
event VARCHAR,
properties VARCHAR CODEC(ZSTD(3)),
timestamp DateTime64(6, 'UTC'),
team_id Int64,
distinct_id VARCHAR,
elements_chain VARCHAR,
created_at DateTime64(6, 'UTC'),
person_id UUID,
person_created_at DateTime64,
person_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group0_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group1_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group2_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group3_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group4_properties VARCHAR Codec(ZSTD(3)),
group0_created_at DateTime64,
group1_created_at DateTime64,
group2_created_at DateTime64,
group3_created_at DateTime64,
group4_created_at DateTime64,
$group_0 VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$group_0'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$group_0',
$group_1 VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$group_1'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$group_1',
$group_2 VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$group_2'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$group_2',
$group_3 VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$group_3'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$group_3',
$group_4 VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$group_4'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$group_4',
$window_id VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$window_id'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$window_id',
$session_id VARCHAR MATERIALIZED replaceRegexpAll(JSONExtractRaw(properties, '$session_id'), '^"|"$', '') COMMENT 'column_materializer::$session_id',
_timestamp DateTime,
_offset UInt64
) ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/77f1df52-4b43-11e9-910f-b8ca3a9b9f3e_{shard}/', '{replica}', _timestamp)
ORDER BY (team_id, toDate(timestamp), event, cityHash64(distinct_id), cityHash64(uuid))
SAMPLE BY cityHash64(distinct_id)

The table is sharded by sipHash64(distinct_id)


The ORDER BY clause for this table is:

ORDER BY (team_id, toDate(timestamp), event, cityHash64(distinct_id), cityHash64(uuid))

Most insight queries have filters along the lines of:

WHERE team_id = 2
AND event = '$pageview'
AND timestamp > '2022-11-03 00:00:00'
AND timestamp < '2022-11-10 00:00:00'

Which is well-served by the first 3 parts of this ORDER BY.

Note that:

  • This ORDER BY doesn't speed up filtering by common JSON properties, as every matching event needs to be read from disk
  • By having toDate(timestamp) before event, we might be losing out on some compression benefits (due to same events probably having similar properties)

Also instead of distinct_id, we now would want to include person_id in the ORDER BY to make counting unique persons faster.

Evaluation: 🤷 It's reasonably good, but there are some potential improvements.

Sharding by cityHash64(distinct_id)

Sharding by distinct_id means that many queries such as unique person counts or funnels cannot be evaluated on individual replicas and data must be sent to coordinator node.

Luckily, this isn't the worst bottleneck in our production environments due to fast networking.

Evaluation: 👎 this needs fixing, however resharding data is hard.


All analytics queries filter by timestamp and recent data is much more frequently accessed.

Partitioning this way allows us to skip reading a lot of parts and to move older data to cheaper (but older) storage.

Evaluation: 👍 Critical to PostHog functioning well.

person columns

Prior to having person_id, person_properties, person_created_at columns, when calculating funnels, unique users or filtering by persons or cohorts, queries always needed to JOIN one or two tables.

JOINs in ClickHouse are expensive and this frequently caused memory errors for our largest users, so a lot of effort was put into being able to denormalize that data and for it to be stored in events table.

Evaluation: 👍 Removes a fundamental bottleneck for scaling queries and allows for more efficient sharding in the future.

properties column and materialized columns

A lot of queries touch JSON properties or person_properties columns, meaning performance on them is critical. On the other hand, JSON properties columns are the biggest ones we have and filtering on them is frequently slow due to I/O and parsing overheads.

Some developments have helped speed this expensive operation up significantly:

  1. Adding support for materialized columns
  2. Compressing these columns via ZSTD(3) codec

The biggest unrealized win here is also allowing to skip reading rows via indexing or ORDER BY, but it's unclear on how that might be achieved.

Read more on working with JSON data and materialized columns here.

Evaluation: 🤷 A lot better than could be, but also a lot of unrealized potential.

SAMPLE BY cityHash64(distinct_id)

Allowing data to be sampled helps speed up queries at the expense of having less accurate results. This can be helpful for allowing a fast data exploration experience.

We should now be sampling by person_id column as analytics-by-person is likely the most important thing.

At the time of writing (November 2022), sampling is not yet supported by the PostHog app.

ReplacingMergeTree with uuid as sort key

ReplacingMergeTree allows "replacing" old data with new given identical ORDER BY values. In our case, since we have a uuid column in ORDER BY, in theory users should be able to "fix" past data by re-emitting events with same event, date, and uuid but improved data.

However this does not work as ReplacingMergeTree only does work at merge-time and:

  1. merges are not guaranteed to occur
  2. we're not accounting for duplicate-uuid data in queries and it would be prohibitively expensive to do so

The only way to use this is to regularly use OPTIMIZE TABLE sharded_events FINAL, but that could make operations harder and require a lot of I/O due to needing to rewrite data.

Sending data with custom uuids is also undocumented and prone to bugs on our end.

Evaluation: 🚫 This design decision is a mistake.

elements_chain column

PostHog's JavaScript library has an autocapture feature, where we store actions users do on pages and DOM elements these actions are done against.

elements_chain column contains the DOM hierarchy autocaptured events were done against. In queries we match against this using regular expressions.

Evaluation: 🤷 Potentially suspect, but hasn't become an obvious performance bottleneck so far.

No pre-aggregation / precalculation

Every time an insight query is made that doesn't hit the cache, PostHog needs to re-calculate the result off of the whole dataset.

This is likely inevitable during exploration, but when working with dashboards that are refreshed every few hours or with common queries this is needlessly inefficient.

There are several unproven ideas on how to could optimize this:

1. Combine with previous results

Due to person columns now being stored on sharded_events table, historical data in the table can be considered immutable.

This means PostHog could store every query result after queries. On subsequent queries only query data ingested after previous query and combine results with the previous query results.

In theory this works well with line graphs but harder to do with e.g. funnels and requires extensive in-app logic to build out.

2. Projections

Similarly, due to immutable data PostHog could calculate some frequent insights ahead of time.

The projections feature could feasibly help do this at a per-part level for consistency without special application logic.

Next schema in the ClickHouse manual: app_metrics

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Problem and constraints PostHog provides Apps for data imports, exports and transformation purposes. App metrics helps users of apps want to know whether the apps are reliable and have tooling to debug errors. When designing the schema, we needed ingestion of these stats to be as 'cheap' as possible. On the flip side, queries against the data did not need to support much beyond time-range filtering. Schema Decision: Store errors in the same table as metrics Error tracking is fundamentally…

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