Group analytics

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What are groups in PostHog?

Groups are a powerful feature in PostHog that aggregate events based on entities, such as organizations or companies. They enable you to analyze trends, insights, and dashboards at an entity-level, as opposed to a user-level.

To clarify what we mean, let's look at a few examples:

  1. For B2B SaaS apps, you can create a company group type. This enables you to aggregate events at a company-level, and calculate metrics such as number of daily active companies, company churn rate, or how many companies have adopted a new feature.

  2. For a communication app like Slack, you can create a channel group type. This enables you to measure metrics like average number of messages per channel, number of monthly active channels, or total number of channel participants.

  3. For collaborative, project-based apps like Notion, Jira, or Figma, you can create a project group type. This enables you to calculate metrics like project pageviews, users per project, and project engagement.

Use cases

Building on the examples above, here are a few things you can do with groups:

  1. Track how companies progress through your B2B product's activation steps. For example, you can create a funnel to see:
    • How many companies signed up this month.
    • What percentage completed the onboarding flow.
    • What percentage of new companies interacted with specific features at least once.

  1. If you're building a Slack-like app, you can measure retention of new features by specific channels. For example:
    • Which channels consistently use the video calling feature.
    • How many channels remain active month over month.
    • Compare feature adoption rates between different types of channels (e.g., team channels vs project channels).

  1. For collaborative, project-based apps like Jira, you can target feature flags at a project-level. For example, let's say you've refactored your codebase. You can target the new codebase to only a few projects and measure the impact on performance and errors metrics. Once you've gathered feedback, you can expand to the rest of your projects.

The difference between groups and cohorts

Groups are often confused with cohorts, but they each serve different purposes:

  • Groups aggregate events, and do not necessarily have to be connected to a user.
  • Cohorts represent a specific set of users – e.g., a list of users that all belong to the same company.

If your only goal is to analyze a list of users with something in common, we recommend cohorts instead of groups.

Groups require additional code in your app to set up, while cohorts are created in PostHog and don't require additional code. This makes cohorts easier to use and quicker to get started.

How to create groups

Groups are created and defined in your code when capturing events.

// Option 1 (recommended): Call
// This has the side-effect that all subsequent events in the session are associated to the group'company', 'company_id_in_your_db');
posthog.capture('user_signed_up'); // This event is associated with the company above
// Option 2: Set the group property in posthog.capture()
// This method doesn't have the side-effect of associating the session's events to the group
posthog.capture('user_signed_up', {
'$groups': {
'company': 'company_id_in_your_db'

In the above example, we create a group type company. Then, for each company, we set the group key as the unique identifier for that specific company. This can be anything that helps you identify it, such as ID or domain.

We now have one company-type group with a key company_id_in_your_db. When we send the event user_signed_up, it will be attached to this newly created group.


  • When specifying the group type, use the singular version for clarity (company instead of companies).
  • We advise against using the name of the company (or any other group) as the key, because that's rarely guaranteed to be unique, and thus can affect the quality of analytics data. Use a unique string, like an ID.

Group type limit: There's a hard limit of 5 group types within PostHog, although within each group type you can have an unlimited number of groups.

How to set group properties

In the same way that every person can have properties associated with them, every group can have properties associated with it.

Continuing with the previous example of using company as our group type, we'll add company_name, date_joined, and subscription as additional properties.

Note: You must include at least one group property for a group to be visible in the People and groups tab.

// Option 1 (recommended): Set properties in
// This has the side-effect that all subsequent events in the session are associated to the group'company', 'company_id_in_your_db', {
name: 'PostHog',
subscription: "subscription",
date_joined: '2020-01-23'
// Option 2:
// Set properties in posthog.capture()
// This method doesn't have the side-effect of associating all future events to the group.
posthog.capture('$groupidentify', {
'$group_type': 'company',
'$group_key': 'company_id_in_your_db',
'$group_set': {
name: 'PostHog',
subscription: "subscription",
date_joined: '2020-01-23'

Properties on groups behave in the same way as properties on persons. They can also be used within experiments and feature flags to rollout features to specific groups.

Note: The PostHog UI identifies a group using the name property. If the name property is not found, it falls back to the group key.

How to capture group events

How you capture events with groups depends whether you're using the JavaScript Web SDK or not.

  1. If you're using the JavaScript Web SDK (or snippet), you can call and all of that session's events will be associated with that group.

  2. If you're using any other SDK (or the API), you need to pass the group information in the groups parameter (or $groups property) for every event you capture.

Below are code examples of how to do it in our various SDKs.

// Option 1 (recommended): Call
// This has the side-effect that all subsequent events in the session are associated to the group'company', 'company_id_in_your_db');
posthog.capture('user_signed_up'); // This event is associated with the company above
// Option 2: Set the group property in posthog.capture()
// This method doesn't have the side-effect of associating the session's events to the group
posthog.capture('user_signed_up', {
'$groups': {
'company': 'company_id_in_your_db'

Want to learn more about group analytics implementation differences? Check out our guide on frontend vs backend group analytics implementations.

It is NOT possible to assign a single event to two groups of the same type. However, it is possible to assign an event to multiple groups as long as the groups are of different types.

// ❌ Not possible'company', 'company_id_in_your_db');'company', 'another_company_id_in_your_db');
// ✅ Allowed'company', 'company_id_in_your_db');'channel', 'channel_id_in_your_db');

Using groups in PostHog

Once you have set up your groups, you can use groups in PostHog to:

Further reading

For detailed information on how to use groups in PostHog, as well as their limitations, check out our full groups docs.

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